Enjoy Life
The world we live in seems to be so focused on getting things done. They tell you to make something your top priority. So, if I were to ask you to list your priorities, where would you fall on that list?
Too often we put everyone else’s needs ahead of our own. We save our money to buy that new pair of shoes we had our eyes on. The shoes that make us feel powerful and sexy at the same time. We look forward to having those shoes for months and finally have enough saved up. The day we schedule our shopping trip, the kids have a school project that needs turned in tomorrow and they need this list of supplies. This was not in the budget. Where are you going to get the money? From your shoe stash, of course.
For so long we have been taught that we should do without because our children’s needs come first. After so many years of putting yourself last, you find that the only shoes you own have holes in them and you haven’t bought a new pair of jeans since your pre-pregnancy days (is your baby 24, too?)
Like the flight attendants tell us, we need to take care of ourselves first. We can’t expect to have the energy to care for others if we use all of our energy on everyone else.
When was the last time you did something for yourself? If the answer isn’t today, change your plans and spend a little time on yourself. Not sure what to do? Here’s a few ideas:
Take a bubble bath
Buy a new outfit
Read a book
Go for a walk
Create something
Go on a date with yourself
Take a drive and listen to your favorite tunes
Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you are relaxing, putting your needs first, and just having fun. You need to recharge and you deserve to be a priority in your own life!