Scout’s First Race
WRITING PROMPT: It’s late in the afternoon, and the ground outside of the cabin is covered with snow. If you don’t saddle your horse, and leave now, they will…
Crash Landing
WRITING PROMPT: When Simon woke up, his hospital room was dark, and he smelled…
Secret Civilization
WRITING PROMPT: There was nothing in the guidebook about this – she checked it twice. But there it was right in front of her…
Using the writing prompt provided, craft a story that captures the attention of your reader and motivates them to keep reading.
Selena’s Waterfall
WRITING PROMPT: Hiking through a dense forest, Selena came across the most beautiful waterfall she had ever seen. The water looked inviting, but as she…
Paul’s Plantation
WRITING PROMPT: Paul has had many dreams of growing up on the southern plantation, but he had never been that far south before today. As he drove down the tree-lined road, he saw…
Rachel’s Interview
WRITING PROMPT: The power outage caused the entire city to go black. Rachel called out for the receptionist to reschedule her interview, but there was no reply. She stumbled to the desk to write a note, but instead of a pen, her fingers landed on
Frank’s Fishing Adventure
WRITING PROMPT: The fishing boat ran into an unexpected storm. Frank was worried because he hadn’t seen land in hours. Suddenly...
Althea’s Train Ride
WRITING PROMPT: Althea fell asleep on the train. When she awoke, she realized she missed her stop. Instead of familiar surroundings, she saw..