Reach For The Stars
“Donec id justo non metus auctor commodo ut quis enim. Mauris fringilla dolor vel condimentum imperdiet.”
You have these big dreams. You’ve made the plan to get it done. You even broke it down into small, manageable steps. You did the work. Why is it so hard to make these dreams come true? Maybe the answer is because it’s a dream and not a goal.
What’s the difference? A dream is something you wish you had. A goal is something you work to achieve.
Making the plan is a good start, but plans don’t work unless you do. I’m not talking about the busy work that sucks your time and doesn’t give you results. What I’m talking about is the step by step action plan that you made before. Pull that out, give each step a deadline, and get started on the first step.
Don’t think about all the other steps, just focus on one step at a time. The more work you put into the actual project, the faster your goal will be achieved.
If you want to reach for the stars, get off the couch and start putting in the effort. Work a little by little, focus on one step at a time and before you know it you will have completed the entire project.