Career Goals
The alarm goes off at 5:00 a.m. Do you hit the snooze or are you excited to start your day? As you are getting ready for work, are you looking forward to whatever the day may bring or are you dreading another day?
Do you know it’s possible to absolutely love the job you have? But how, you ask? Well, I have a few questions for you to ask yourself that just may help you figure out how to get paid for doing the things you love to do.
1. If you had the choice to leave the job you have or move up the ladder, which would you choose? Why?
2. What are your top five favorite things to do with your time?
3. If you could choose to do any of the things you just listed, would you be able to make money doing them?
4. What would you need to do to make that happen?
5. What’s stopping you from doing those things?
If you say that you need the job you’re working on to make ends meet or for the benefits or whatever excuse you have, could you do the other thing on the side just to get it started? It is okay to work a full time job and still make your dreams come true.
The problem most people have is that they are afraid of the unknown or afraid that they won’t make any money or that they aren’t good enough. That’s the fear talking. And I have recently learned that if you are afraid, it usually means you’re doing something right.
How would you feel if you got paid to do the things you love to do? Wouldn’t that change the way you look at getting ready for work?
You can use these questions for every aspect of your life:
· Do you want to travel? What steps do you need to take to make that happen?
· Do you want to buy a new house/car/whatever? What do you need to do to make it possible?
· Do you want a condo on the beach? Yep, you can figure that out, too!
What steps are you going to take to make your dreams a reality? Remember to dream big and work hard because you deserve to have all your dreams come true!