Live An Amazing Life
What is one thing you learned during this pandemic? I learned that life is too short to be unhappy. This month I talked a lot about changing your priorities. I talked about how to prioritize your family, yourself, your relationship, and even your career.
I have given you planners to help you. I made videos and gave so much advice! But, the choice to live an amazing life is all up to you. Nobody can do it for you.
I know that some people are reading this and thinking that I am some sort of purple-haired hippie siting around singing Kumbaya and spouting peace and love. Well, maybe I am a little. But the truth is that there are two different types of people in the world: those that do and those that complain. Which do you want to be?
Changes can be scary. They don’t have to be big changes all at once. Just do something that will make you happy. Do something fun every day. Take care of yourself and be clear on what you want out of life. Don’t let fear stand in your way. Take that next step to living an amazing life! You deserve it!