Celebrate The Little Things

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With the pandemic taking over the world, it’s easy to overlook the good things going on in our lives.  We have been so busy trying to stay safe, keep other people safe, and survive this new lifestyle that we forget it’s okay to be happy and celebrate our wins.


If you aren’t even celebrating your own wins, when was the last time you celebrated your spouse, partner, or significant other?  It doesn’t have to be a big win.  Celebrate the little things.  This makes them realize you are making them a priority and you are proud of their accomplishments, too.


But how do you do that?  Here are a few examples of how to celebrate your spouse’s wins:


  • The weather is bad and they texted you that they made it to work safely.  You celebrate them by thanking them for letting you know, tell them you’re glad they’re safe, and end with an “I love you.”  That sounds like a celebration to me!

  • Your partner had a big project due at work and finally completed the last report.  Make their favorite supper and light some candles – instant celebration!

  • He folded the towels and put them in the linen closet without being asked.  Okay, so they weren’t folded to your standards, but you didn’t have to do it.  A smile, a hug, a big thank you = celebration.

  • You came home from work and the kids were still alive and your spouse was happy.  Have you ever spent the day with those kids?  How did she have a good day?  Run that woman a bubble bath.  Give her a glass of wine and a good book.  She deserves to celebrate surviving an entire day with those angels!  Or, even better, give her a relaxing massage without the expectation of sex in return.  (She may surprise you and initiate it, but it will be easier for her to relax if she knows you don’t expect anything in return.  Otherwise, the massage is for you and not her.)


Celebrate their wins.  Tell them you’re proud of them.  Be their biggest cheerleader.  Build your relationship on celebrating each other and finding ways to make your partner happy.

Michelle Mical

Michelle Mical is a Chronic Illness Coach and Midlife Facilitator who can help you figure out what is making life so hard and what you can do to fix it. I can help you stop feeling guilty and give yourself permission (and the tools necessary) to allow other people to help you through the bad days. I want you to know you are not alone and that it's okay to ask for help. Let's talk!


Appreciate Your Love